My Collection.

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, December 9, 2010

So I was getting a little annoyed with they way I was storing my nail polishes. Ive been hauling a lot of polishes so it has gotten harder to keep track of them. So a while ago I showed you my home made nail polish rack and my Train case I of course ran out of room pretty quick. So then I bought a book shelf for my nails polishes and any and everything else but books lol... So I just recently re-arranged my polishes.
Take a look!

 Arranged by brand

 Home made polish rack

 My minis and stripers

OPI Train case with polishes and supplies

How do you store your polishes? So far this is working out OK but I get easily bored with how things look and I'll eventually re-organize it. I would love some ideas for when that happens.The way I have it now it doesn't seem like I have that many polishes which is good and maybe people will stop telling me I have a problem :-)

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