Born Pretty Store Gold Square Studs Review

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, April 10, 2012


a few weeks ago, i was kindly offered, by Nicole, to review an item from Born Pretty Store. i've been looking for square studs for the longest time & BPS carries them! so i gladly agreed to review 4mm gold square studs.

im not sure exactly how many comes in a package, but its definitely a good size. $5.84 per bag.

i've been waiting to do this 'design' for the longest time & im so glad i was able to! although the studs may look like they stick out / protrude a lot at the top, they dont. the square studs are so easy to work with and they're a really nice size. i really loved em!

good news before i end the post, Born Pretty Store is offering you guys a 5% off code. please feel free to use it & do take advantage of it. BPS sells great nail art stuff for such a good price and to top it off, they have free shipping!! :D

the code 'KL5X31' is good until September 6, 2012. so you have quite some time to order if you would like :)

once again, a big thank you to Nicole over at Born Pretty Store for the sample. be sure to check out their site~

ooh, btw, dont forget to join in my Verge 360 Hair Salon Sponsored Giveaway! it ends on Thursday, the 12th!

have a good one,

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