Happy Easter - Easter Egg Nail Art

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Everyone.  The Easter Bunny visited our house last night and I'm afraid to say that both my kids ate chocolate before breakfast!

For today, I'm sporting these rather hideous looking Easter egg foil nails.  I figured it didn't matter too much how messy and uneven they are, because foil covered eggs are always messy and crinkled.

I created these nails by first painting my nails black, and the accent finger white.  I then applied nail foil glue in various zigzag patterns and stuck down different coloured foils.  On the accent finger I put a layer of a Spectraflair topcoat and then an Easter water decal from an old holiday set I have.

These pictures are taken in the shade, because it was so hard to get a decent photo of this in the sun, due to all the reflections off the foil.  And they really do look much better in real life.  Stupid macro shots showing ginormous nails!

Here is one in the sun.  I have to say, may nails really do look like Easter eggs.

Up close photos of this mani really are hideous and messy, but you realize that no one actually sees your nails like that in real life.  It looks more like this...(taken during an egg hunt in the backyard)

See how much better it looks from a distance!

And here is a close up of that Easter water decal.  WTF is that bunny on?  Red eyes and yellow teeth!!  No more Easter Eggs for you bunny!

I hope you all have a happy and safe Easter.

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