... get back to watching the TV.
That sounds terrible, but it's the truth. On Easter Monday my husband and I started watching the first series of Game of Thrones. We have two episodes left and I'm going to go watch them now!
So quickly, here is a franken that I made using all the different sized and shaped silver and silver holographic glitters I own. Plus a little bit of black glitter. Two coats, with two good coats of top coat to smooth it out.
Ok, off to watch some heads getting chopped, siblings having it off with each other and other weird and gruesome happenings in this show! How many others out there watch Game of Thrones?
Oh, and last call for any Aussies that want in on the group Layla order for holo, mirrors or anything else. Here is a video of the mirror effects (all in Italian :P). They also have a newish flakie and glitter collection, with a purple flakie that looks very Nfu Oh 51 esque.
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