Rain rain go away, come again some other day!
I heard we're gonna be getting endless rain here for the rest of the week. Hence, I took a few of the swatches with flash. Which doesn't capture the true beauty of this collection.
When I first saw swatches on the new China Glaze Summer Days collection, I knew which ones I were definitely getting and which ones I'm not. But..... I end up ordering the whole collection. Go figure. The camera does not capture any of the beauty of these nail polishes. They're shimmery, shiny, and yes they actually do look delicious. Although, the ad for this collection kind of creeps me out. Anyways, on with the swatches!

Grape Juice
My favorite of the collection. This one is amazing. A gorgeous purple with silver shimmer. It's absolutely GORGEOUS.

Watermelon Rind
This is the runner up for me. Honestly, I expected better, but this will do. It's a greenish color with a silver hint of shimmer. Another gorgeous shades, that actually does look a little like watermelon. Yummy

Strawberry Fields
This one tied with Watermelon Rind. This one is BEAUTIFUL. It is pink with golden shimmers. My co-worker said this one reminded her of bridal nails. Must be the gold hints. The sun was a bit too strong for this one.

Orange Marmalade
Ehh..another orange...This was taken with flash because we haven't had sunlight in like awhile. I was forced to! I wanted to do more swatches. As you can see it started to wear off because I was waiting and waiting just hoping for the sun to peek out a little. It didn't. Anyways, no I don't really like this color...I have plenty of oranges that looks like this.

Raspberry Festival
Red with silverish glitter. I'm a little embarassed to show this picture because my skintone looks terrible with red nails. This is why I don't like red nail polish. Look at the horror!!

Cherry Pie
OH GOD the horror! Why, why, why?! Plus the flash makes it look worse. Cherry pie is very similar to Raspberry Festival, but Cherry Pie is light whereas Raspberry Festival is more bright vibrant red like.
Overall, this collection was not bad at all. Grape jucie wins my vote!
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