Today's post is with two of my favorite nail polish brands, and MAC (which is new to me)

Hot People Like You - This was a rushed mani. I was late for class and I just couldn't leave the house with naked nails. I really love this color. I'm not a big fan of hot neon pinks, but this one has a blue-tone to it. Looks a lot better in person though!

The Grass is Greener on My side - Woooo! I love this one. It's amazing. Green aqua shimmer. This color screams "LOOK AT ME NOW!!" This is the second time I wore this color. (For those who knows me, knows that I don't usually wear the same nail polish more than once)
ESSIE Summer 2009 Limited Edition Northfork Collection: "The bluer the better"
Essie definitely did it right this time. Blue

Greenport - This color was VERY similar to Misa's Dirty Sexy Money. But this is from ESSIE!! This color is amazing, I can't really explain the color. Please excuse my dry cuticles/fabric indents on the nails. Apparently I didn't wait long enough for these to dry before heading to bed...

Sag Harbor - Greyish blue color. This one is bee-yoo-tee-ful!! I love it and it's amazing.
The other color, shelter island, I didn't order because I have way too many baby blue nail polish and it looks quite similar to a lot of them.
M.A.C Sugarsweet Nail Polishes

Peppermint Patti - This is a must get. However it is SOLD OUT everywhere. Try your local MAC store to see if they still have it. I can't stop staring at these for a good whole day! These took me three coats with no problem at 2 coats, but I like my nails with 3 coats! I really love the minty green!

Seasonal Peach - I've applied this on Friday right when I got them. I am STILL wearing them now. I have never wore a nail polish for more than 2 days! Some reason I'm really loving this seasonal peach. Although it was a pain in the tush to apply, it was streak galore! But after 3 coats it was fine aside from a few smudges, where I was too lazy to reapply 3 coats again so I just applied a thick heavy coat on the smudge. You can see it on the pointer finger. This color REALLY pops out. I love it!
I promised a few people that I would not order nail polish till April. But hey there's only 2 days left in March so it doesn't really count! I've ordered the new China Glaze KICKS collection, Color Club Electro Candy collection, and a few other colors that I fell in love with. Can't wait to play with those!
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