today, i have a tutorial to share. i recently received an email from Cyntia who asked about my giraffe mani [that i posted back in March] and for a tutorial. its quite simple and i was definitely glad to make a tutorial. btw, when my computer died on me, i lost my video editing program so i'll only be doing picture tutorials for a while.. =/
here's what we're aiming for..
ask requested, here are a picture of the materials i used.
a regular paint brush, nail dotting tool, Poshe's basecoat, China Glaze's For Audrey & Happy Go Lucky, Revlon's Hot For Chocolate, Sally Hansen's Black Out, and China Glaze's topcoat.
step 1: apply basecoat & base color.
step 2: take your dotting tool + dip it into your brown polish and create dots.
step 3: repeat step 2 but make smaller dots to fill in the empty spaces. make sure you dont do too many dots.
apply topcoat once the nail is dried & youre done with this part of the mani. onto the next part...
step 1: apply basecoat & base color.
step 2: using the regular paint brush, create a small circle for the head of the giraffe.
step 3: draw a line straight down for the neck.
step 4: to make the body of the giraffe, just make a half-circle at the bottom of the nail.
step 5: back to the dotting tool, use your black polish to make two eyes and two small dots for the nose. then use your brown polish to make the giraffe spots.
step 6: dont forget to dot the tips of the things on top of his head. [edit:] WHOOPS! i forgot to mention to draw two little lines at the sides of his head for the ears. please refer to this picture for the ears.
wait for the nail to dry and apply topcoat.
now you're done! and i apologize for the blurriness of some pictures..
i hope this helped! if you have a tutorial request, please feel free to send me an email :)
have a great weekend!,
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