Hi everyone! I am giving you a quick review of Dr.'s Remedy Enriched Instant Cover. I was intrigued by the idea of this, and was hoping for a super good concealer type cover up for my face. When I got this product, it said it wasn't recommended for use on the face...so I had to get a little creative (more on that later)!
Here is the applicator. I like this because it eliminates mess and helps give a good finish to the coverup.

And here's the creative part! I gave myself a "tattoo" to cover up! :) So this is before:
And this is after 3 coats of the cover up. This gives a smooth, almost airbrushed effect to the area it is applied. Decent coverage, but not a good shade for me. This product comes in light, meduim, and dark. My only complaint is that this product should come in more shades like a foundation does. Then this would really be a miracle product!
This product retails for $40 and is available online at remedynails.com or you can call 1-877-323-NAILS.
*This product was sent to me for review.
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