tons of tape manis

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, April 26, 2012

[This post worries me a little - I won't have access to a computer on the day that this one is scheduled to post so if anything is wonky, I won't be able to fix it! I'm sorry in advance if there are any issues... Haha!]

Do you recall last week when me and all my best buds did water marble manis on the same day? Well this week, we decided to do tape manis!

I'm super proud of mine so I've got a ton of pictures of it for your viewing pleasure.

Tada! This mani took a lot of patience but I think the result is totally worth it!

To create these tiny, perfect stripes, I used striping tape!
You can get like 12 rolls of striping tape on eBay for less than 2 dollars.

There are two ways to use striping tape - you can actually use the tape itself in the mani, creating lines.
Or you can use the tape for relief patterns like this one, where you lay down the tape, paint over it, and remove it to reveal the pattern.

This is how my nails looked before I did the striping. I loved it like this too!
To create this look, I used the new plastic-wrap-sponging I'm seeing around but I used a tissue instead of saran wrap (because I was too lazy to go find some!)
Basically, what you do is paint your nails in one color and let it dry completely. I used Color Club Twiggie.
Then, you paint over it with your second color and quickly dab some of it off with plastic wrap or a tissue that you've rolled into a ball or just scrunched up in your hand. I used Color Club Warhol.
It will remove random sections of the top polish, revealing the base color! You dab around a few times until you're happy with the result.

Here's the various stages of this mani. Do you like how my striping tape matches the OPI cosmetic bag in the background of this photo? Haha!

Placing all the striping tape was time consuming but I just love the small stripes!
(The one larger stripe on my index finger totally hurts my OCD though. Heh.)
I used Color Club Where's The Soiree for the black layer.

I'm so stinkin' happy with how this turned out, and I can't wait to try more striping tape manis!

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