Pink Panther & Woody Woodpecker

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, July 3, 2011

Randomness for Sunday!
I did a single nail to represent the Pink Panther. You might remember when I first did him on my natural nails here. I just realized that I forgot his whiskers! Oops! *runs off to paint them* Sorry!

I heard someone do the Woody Woodpecker laugh the other day and that inspired me to include him! I did a single nail for him as well.
I had trouble with the red bleeding through and making the white of his eyes orange. I had to go back over it with white polish. The extra layers of polish are why it ended up bubbly and bumpy around his beak. It's not that noticeable in person.

I thought I would also throw you an update on my progress.
It's going really well and I'm almost there! I haven't glued anything down yet. I'm not quite sure how I want to organize them as of yet. Any ideas? I'm thinking grouped by what is recognizable to each generation? Or perhaps grouped by company? Disney, Hana Barbera, etc? What do you think would look best?

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